Come Clean Florida Tackles Campaign Finance Reform

Through our “Come Clean Florida” campaign, we will seek to put an end to the “legal laundering” of millions of dollars in special interest campaign contributions through political committees controlled by legislative leaders, as well as through the Republican and Democrat parties of Florida.

We do not take exception to a certain level of authority and power residing in the offices of legislative leadership. This is necessary to ensure the functionality of a deliberative body. It is the excessive level of power and control accumulated as a result of the corrupting influence of special interest money that we take exception to. It is clear that the people of Florida are losing their ability to influence the outcome of legislation vital to their interests.

A ruling class has been created in Tallahassee consisting of the Governor, the Senate President, the House Speaker and a few powerful lieutenants. We believe a healthier balance of power needs to be restored between legislative leadership and the members. More importantly, the balance of power needs to be restored between the government in general and the people of Florida.

This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. This is not about conservative, liberal, progressive or libertarian political philosophy. This is about transparency and accountability. This is about honesty and integrity in the political process. The “legal laundering” of campaign contributions and special interest money must end. State parties need to stay out of local primaries. We the People have had enough!

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Come Clean Florida

512 Southern Hills Ct.

Melbourne, FL 32940

P: 321-403-4441

Email: [email protected]

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