Bob White, Chairman of the RLC of Florida, speaking about Campaign Finance Reform.

The “legal laundering of campaign cash” continues unabated in Florida. Bob White, Chairman of the

Come Clean Florida Tackles Campaign Finance Reform

Through our “Come Clean Florida” campaign, we will seek to put an end to the “legal laundering” of millions of dollars in special interest campaign …

Republican Senate President Bill Galvano takes $500,000 from Michael Bloomberg’s gun control PAC!

The state is rife with examples of incumbent politicians leveraging leadership fund and gaming the system at the expense of the voters and taxpayers. …

Learn More About the History of Campaign Finance in Florida

The history of campaign finance in Florida is convoluted, but like bad pennies, many of the major players keep turning up. In 2012, Senate President …

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Come Clean Florida

512 Southern Hills Ct.

Melbourne, FL 32940

P: 321-403-4441

Email: [email protected]

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